Monday, May 23, 2016

Tips For A Stress Free Move

Moving can be very stressful, so what do you do when circumstance or opportunities require that you relocate?  How do you get through a move in one piece? WFG National Title pulled together some great tips to help with stress relief when faced with a move.

Start early - Few feel relaxes under a deadline, but having the benefit of time can help calm the nerves. The time to start planning for your move is as soon as you know you need to move.

Get Organized - The number one method for alleviating emotional stress when moving is to feel like you have control over what's happening. As illusory as that control may be, being organized will help you handle the unexpected.

First, come up with a relocating schedule that will help you break the moving process inot phases. Detail exactly which task needs to be accomplished when. Use a checklist to make sure you are taking care of necessary goals by their due dates.

Create a system that works to help you keep track of everything. Whether you make up your own or get help from someone with moving experience, having a model to work from will be your saving grace.

Make it easy - Don't be married to an initial moving plan simply because it was your first. As you do the footwork, you may discover there is an easier way to get the move done, and you should embrace this! Sure, driving your care cross-country might have seemed the only affordable option initially, but a search for reputable auto shippers and a sale on air fares could make all the difference between a stressful move and a more relaxed one.

The same philosophy goes for packing. Rather than take on the entire process yourself, be sure to get quotes for having movers assist you.

Schedule time for stress relief - In the weeks leading up to your move, you may be so focused on getting everything done that you neglect your own health. Coping with a move requires that you stay physically and emotionally fit, so get plenty of sleep, eat well and get some exercise. this would also be a good time to schedule a massage or a spa session. If time allows, try to get a weekend or at least a night away so that you can take your mind off your move for a little while.

Ask for help - Obsessive-compulsive people and the detail-oriented among us often have trouble asking for help. While you are making your thorough preparations, also be sure to contact friends and family on both sides of your move to help you in any way possible. Many hands really do make the work lighter, which can relieve a lot of stress. You'll be glad for the company, too.

Look forward to the end results - Yes, you know moving will be hard and potentially fraught with stresses, but you will survive it. Many others have gone before you and lived to tell about it. Know that there is nothing that can happen that you can't handle and focus on the potential for new growth and adventure in your new home.

Moving is one of the more stressful things we can experience, but there are ways to make it easier. Prepare, get organized and stay flexible. before you know it, you'll be unpacking your things in your new home and wondering what all that worry was about!

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